Monday, January 11, 2010

Memere and Pepere

Charlotte met her Memere and Pepere for the first time when they came down to visit her from December 26 through January 1. I have just been really slow making new blog posts. I also wish I had some more and better pictures.

Here Memere is hanging out with Charlotte while I try to burp her. She usually tries to hold her head up and makes funny faces when I burp her this way.

Spending some quality time with Memere. Next time I will be sure to take better pictures. She often makes faces when sleeping. This one is typical where she puckers her face like tasting something sour. But normally, this face is followed by stretching, then waking up and crying.

Not this time. Just a yawn and back to sleep for her, while with Memere.

Pepere went for the slick bib under the chin look while relaxing with Charlotte. She seems content with the whole thing.

Charlotte finally got to use the nice swing that Sarah's siblings bought for her once Pepere put it together for her. She has been enjoying it almost everyday since then.

This is why I like sitting her up to burp. She holds her head high and makes some of the cutest faces. I made sure to show her Memere and Pepere as soon as possible how good she is at holding her head up and looking around while they were here.

We all had a very nice time and appreciated that they were able to stay a couple days longer than they usual do. But we are still looking forward to their next visit. Charlotte will have grown and changed in many ways by then, even if it is only a little more than a month from now. In the meantime, she will be meeting her Uncle Josh, Aunt Natalia, and her cousins Nolan and Lucia. Also, she will be meeting two of her great-grandparents: Great-Nana and Great-Papa Westgate(Sarah's mother's parents).

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Day

This was Charlotte's first Christmas, so we decided to dress her up in one of her nice dresses for the occasion. Here she is in her special red Christmas dress that was a gift from her Nonna.

And here are her little stockings made to look like she is wearing little black shoes. Cute.

Nice pictures with Mommy.

Nice pictures with Daddy.

Awww. That's nice.

Uncle Matt on his favorite day of the year (tied with his birthday). Excited as usual about giving and receiving gifts.

Charlotte was finally able to meet her Uncle Vito and Aunt Lauren.

Maybe Charlotte would like some cousins on her Ciminello side too. . . hint, wink, nudge. Uncle Vito seems to feel right at home holding Charlotte.