Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Charlotte's Nursery

The nursery furniture was finally delivered today after a two month wait. The room is finally starting to look complete. It has been a long process I started back in July when I painted the room a lilac color, followed by installing the chair rail, then adding the second paint color to stripe the walls under the chair rail, and finally hanging the teapot chandelier and curtain with Sarah's brother Dan's help. All that's left is to hang things on the walls.

Here is the nice glider that Sarah's mother and I picked out for Sarah and Charlotte

Up close with the lights off so you can actually see the teapot and tea cup chandelier.

And of course, Charlotte's closet is full of cute, pretty and very nice clothes and accessories we mostly received from friends and family for the baby shower.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pictures from Home and Grandma's(Nana, Nonna?)

Here are some pictures of Charlotte out and about at our house and her grandparents, but mostly sleeping. Here she is wearing a little dress for the first time. But judging from the dozens and dozens of other dresses in her closet, won't be the last. She just has to grow into them a little bit first. She should have some cute pictures from Christmas in at least one of her special dresses.

Sleeping in one of her cute little outfits.

Having a good time and making faces at Daddy.

Sleeping some more at her grandparents house in Texas.

Outfit change, but still sleeping at her grandparent's house.

Being held some more by Daddy at home.

More Hospital Pictures

I figured I should post these other pictures from the hospital while they are still relevant. Charlotte had her second check-up at the doctor yesterday, and she had gained 9 ounces in the past week, or about a 9-10% increase in her body weight. Not bad. I think these first three pictures are funny because of how chubby she looks in them. She really wasn't that chubby at all, although she is working hard at getting that way now.

These next four pictures are the first taken of us as a family in Sarah's hospital room.